
New deal closed by ONEtoONE

ONEtoONE Corporate Finance is pleased to announce that we have advised our client, ETNAGA (BOL – Bilheteira Online), in its partial sale to a consortium owned by Grupo Impresa (SIC –Sociedade Independente de Comunicação, S.A) and the Fund CREST II – FCR managed by Crest Capital Partners.

New deal closed by ONEtoONE

New deal closed by ONEtoONE, led by Paulo Soares de Oliveira, from ONEtoONE Portugal and Ximena Fernández, from ONEtoONE Spain.

6 do´s and don’ts when selling a company

Selling a company is one of the biggest decisions in the life of any entrepreneur.

Documentation required in the purchase and sale phases of a company

If you are a company owner, you may have never considered your company’s sale, but it is a world surrounded by technicalities and processes that you may not understand.

Business merger as a defense to crisis

By SIMÓN RESTREPO, Partner of ONEtoONE Corporate Finance Colombia

New Closed Deal

This week we would like to share exciting news with you: a successful closed deal!

Selling a company in 2020 does not mean selling it for a reduced price

The COVID-19 crisis has affected most sectors, including the M&A. Several entrepreneurs are asking how the value of their company has changed because of the crisis.

Transformational M&A is the priority within a new global business landscape

Written by the US team of ONEtoONE Corporate Finance

The role of a Business Owner

It is undeniable that all companies have an impact on the society they perform their activity in. Following this idea, businessmen are then figures of leadership and influence for whom they surround.